By using Eye-Fi and Picasa Web Albums together, you can automate your photo sharing: photos are wirelessly uploaded and shared with the people that matter. Based on my experience as an avid Eye-Fi user, here's some tips on setting it up:
Configure the Eye-Fi card to send photos to an active album (in my case, "Axe Family 2009 Lifestream")
After the first photo posts to the album, share this album with individuals or a group (I created a "Family" group)
Whenever the Eye-Fi card uploads photos to Picasa Web Albums, the people on the album's shared list are automatically notified via a daily digest email.
Advanced tip: If you add yourself to the group, you'll get the digest email as well to remind yourself to curate your photos (delete bad pics , add captions, etc).
Eye-Fi can even make the holidays more fun: with nearly instant access to photos of her grandkids, my mother-in-law felt like she was with us this Thanksgiving, even though she was two thousand miles away!
From: Google Photos Blog: Happy holidays from Picasa Web Albums and Eye-Fi
Configure the Eye-Fi card to send photos to an active album (in my case, "Axe Family 2009 Lifestream")
After the first photo posts to the album, share this album with individuals or a group (I created a "Family" group)
Whenever the Eye-Fi card uploads photos to Picasa Web Albums, the people on the album's shared list are automatically notified via a daily digest email.
Advanced tip: If you add yourself to the group, you'll get the digest email as well to remind yourself to curate your photos (delete bad pics , add captions, etc).
Eye-Fi can even make the holidays more fun: with nearly instant access to photos of her grandkids, my mother-in-law felt like she was with us this Thanksgiving, even though she was two thousand miles away!
From: Google Photos Blog: Happy holidays from Picasa Web Albums and Eye-Fi