Photo blogging with your iPhone is like visual Twitter

Beach Garden San Clemente

Photo blogging from your iPhone is as easy as 123 with Gmail...

First take a picture with your iPhone, Then go to the camera roll,
and select the shot you want to post.

Next click the icon in the bottom left and select "Email Photo"
(make sure you have set up your gmail account first)

Send that Photo to, you will then get an email back with your claim token for your shot, claim it with your gmail account and let blogger know what blog you would like your photo posted to, every future shot will be added directly.

Thats it!


Desertnut said…
This is way too cool!
and if you have more than one blogger blog you can go to the Mail-to-Blogger Address setting under the email setting in the dashboard to set up specific email addresses for each blog. Sounds like a great idea for a post!